Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gratuity and the modern Hollywood summer blockbuster

I've found the minor kerfluffle regarding the Alice Eve "strip down" scene in Star Trek Into Darkness somewhat amusing. It's not often that you have both the screenwriter and director basically apologizing -- after the fact, of course -- for having a hot female character in basically her underwear just, well... BECAUSE, ALL RIGHT?

I mean, there's no arguing that it was gratuitous, pandering, et cetera, et cetera. But considering that it was buffered on either side by Michael Bay's Pain and Gain:

(which, by the way, I haven't seen yet -- though I'm dying to -- so I'm just guessing at the general gratuity, seeing as it's a Michael Bay movie (and as demonstrated Baytastically starting around the 1:52 mark in the above trailer)...

and FF6:

which I have seen and can so personally attest to its extreme gratuity (Michael Bay must be suffering some sleepless nights trying to come up with things more insane than the stuntwork in FF6 for TF4)...

it's therefore pretty crazy that STID is taking a bullet for what is standard practice in summer movie land, especially considering that Eve at least plays some sort of doctor in the film (though Alyssa Rosenberg's point about how if you're female -- and at least a lead -- in a summer movie, you want to live in the FF universe is a good one).

Mostly, though, it just reminds me how forgettable STID was in the first place, that this is what people are talking about. I mean, I enjoyed it as I watched it, but 10 minutes after it ended, it was nearly completely out of my head, Cumberbatch vamping and all.

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